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Both the Ukrainian and Slovak peoples have strong religious traditions. While both nations are predominantly Christian, most Ukrainians identify as Orthodox, and most Slovaks as Roman Catholic. However, this shared Christian foundation presents distinct challenges and opportunities for cultural adaptation, as religious practices and beliefs can play a significant role in the integration process. Despite its importance, the intersection of religiosity and the adaptation of Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia has not been sufficiently explored by European and Ukrainian scholars. The aim of this article is to examine how forced migration to Slovakia has influenced the religious practices, beliefs, and broader cultural adaptation of Ukrainian refugees, with a focus on their potential for adaptation in a new socio-cultural environment. The present research draws on a combination of semi-structured interviews with Ukrainian refugees, two online surveys (including one with open-ended questions), and participant observation to provide a comprehensive analysis. The findings reveal that Ukrainian refugees demonstrate considerable flexibility in adapting their religious practices, characterised by a pragmatic approach that blends traditional beliefs with the realities of their host society. This adaptive potential, observed through a process of “metamodern oscillation”, enables Ukrainian refugees to effectively navigate the cultural dynamics of Slovakia while maintaining connections to their religious identity.


Religion – cultural adaptation – refugees – Ukraine – Slovakia

Article Text


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