Guidelines for Authors

Only original unpublished texts that have not been submitted to another journal or publication will be considered for publication in our journal. All submitted works undergo a two-phase review procedure, during which the author and the reviewer remain completely anonymous.

There are no article processing charges (APC) for authors or for article submissions. The journal does not pay any fees or royalties to the author(s) for the published work.

Manuscript submissions are first evaluated by the Editorial Team (in case of any doubt, the Editorial Team will consult the Editorial Board). If a manuscript is deemed suitable for publication, it will be sent to two different reviewers as part of a double-blind review process. Following advice from the reviewers, the Editorial Team (with the consent of the Editorial Board) will determine whether the piece (a) is suitable to be published with minor or no changes; (b) needs to be revised and resubmitted; (c) is to be rejected; (d) is to be sent to a third reviewer. The final decision is presented and approved by the Editorial Board.

An article shall include the title of the paper, abstract, keywords and all useful contact information - e.g. a mailing address, phone numbers where we can reach you, an e-mail address, etc. Prior to submitting your anonymized version of the article, please include only the article title and remove all identifying references to the author(s).

Articles and texts for other sections should be sent to the editor's e-mail.
doc. PhDr. Miroslav Válka, Ph.D.
PhDr. Mgr. Oto Polouček, Ph.D.

The Ethnographic Journal editors accept solely contributions in their electronical form (email enclosure etc.) in standard electronical formats (.doc, .docx or .rtf).

Diagrams, tables, scores, and illustrations (pictures) are to be sent separately. Images should be sent in uncompressed formats (such as TIFF) at a minimum resolution of 300dpi. The technical specifications for these materials should be consulted individually with the editors. The authors of a study or article are solely responsible for resolving all copyright issues regarding the use of photographs or images.

Size of contributions

Articles: maximum length 25standard pages (45,000 characters with spaces in a text editor).
Material Articles: maximum length 15 standard pages (27,000 characters).
Discussion: maximum length 15 standard pages (27,000 characters).
Contributions by Correspondents: individually, after agreement with the editorial office.
Personalia: maximum length 5 standard pages (9,000 characters) + recommended is also selective bibliography of the personality to which the article is devoted.
News and Books: 5 standard pages (9,000 characters), the office will not accept reviews of publications or exhibitions published or held more than 2 years before.

Form of contributions

Script: ARIAL or TIMES NEW ROMAN; no shading, no upper-case and capital letters
•   Name of the contribution: size 12 / bold
•    Author´s name incl. all academic titles: size 12 / bold + italics
•    Name and address of the institute in which the author works (or private address), email contact:size 12 / italic
•    Names of chapters: size 12 / bold
•    Text: size 12

Paragraph: alignment to left; line spacing 1,5; do not format the beginning of a paragraph using any kind of indent (TAB key, more keystroke on space bar), use the ENTER key to separate the paragraphs only, we recommend not to use special graphics and not to format the text (different kinds of fonts, underlining etc. it is not allowed to use macro mode, to insert pictures directly into the text, to divide words automatically etc.)

Notes: to be in the form of footnotes (Enter › Reference › Footnotes; numbering 1, 2, 3 etc.)

List of sources, literature and internet resources(headings of these lists will be unified with headings of other chapters in the text): behind the text

Summary for contributions in sections Articles, Material Articles: Czech texts intended for translation into English with maximum length of ½ standard page (800 characters including spaces).

Key words: five to seven words which express content of the contribution.

Photographs or other pictorial enclosures, charts: do not include into the text, enclosed them as (an) enclosure(s) in form of separate files (non-compressed format jpg or tiff; resolution at least 300 dpi); it is necessary to attach a text file with the list of photographs (in the case of descriptions, in addition to the name of the photograph mention also the author´s name, place where the photograph is archived, or the owner of the pictorial material, dating); it is possible to specify a rough position of the picture within the text (using a text note in a different colour).

Name of files (enclosures): the name of each file shall comprise author´s name and contribution name: Kral_About homemade products.doc – if the contribution also contains a pictorial enclosure, everything (text and pictorial parts) shall be included in a folder with the same name: Kral_About homemade products – and the folder will contain the text document Kral_About homemade products _Text as well as numbered pictures: Kral_About homemade products _Obr1; Kral_About homemade products _Obr2 [Fig2] etc.

Citation style

Monograph (one author): SMRČKA, Vít: Dějiny České národopisné společnosti čili Dějiny psané národopisem. Praha: Česká národopisná společnost, 2011.

Monograph (more authors): JANOTKA, Miroslav – LINHART, Karel: Zapomenutá řemesla. Praha: Svoboda, 1984.

Chapter in a book co-written (collective monograph) and proceedings: MOTYČKOVÁ, Dana – SEDLICKÁ, Kateřina: Činnost Národopisné komise při České akademii věd a umění v období protektorátu a její přínos rozvoji oboru. In: Pospíšilová, Jana – Nosková, Jana (eds.): Od lidové písně k evropské etnologii. 100 let Etnologického ústavu Akademie věd České republiky. Brno: Etnologický ústav AV ČR, 2006, pp. 124–132.

Article in a scientific journal: NEŠPOROVÁ, Olga: Role sborů pro občanské záležitosti v rozšiřování občanských pohřebních obřadů. Český lid 109, 2022, n. 3, pp. 275–298.

Edition work of anonymous author: VERBÍK, A. (ed.): Krevní kniha městečka Bojkovic 1630–1721. Uherské Hradiště: Slovácké muzeum, 1971.

Edition work of well-known author: KOPECKÝ, Milan (ed.): Valentin Bernard Jestřábský. Vidění rozličné sedláčka sprostého. Opava 1719. Uherský Brod: Muzeum J. A. Komenského, 1973.
Archival sources: Moravský zemský archiv v Brně, collection G113, Zemská rada živnostenská, inv. n. 58, sign. Xa, k. 580, fol. 5–8.

Manuscript of Diploma (Bachelor, Master) or Doctoral thesis: SVĚTLÍK, Radek: Výzkum percepce krajiny za použití vizuálních metod. Bakalářská práce. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra antropologie, 2013.

Respondents: Hartl, Karel (nar. 1925); 29. 11. 2015.

Web pages: Available at: (cit. 16. 5. 2015).

Copyright notice

During the submission process, the authors are asked to agree to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0),which will apply to the submission if and when it is published by this journal.

Licence Creative Commons

Works published in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Copyright for articles published in Národopisný věstník / Ethnographic Journal is retained by the authors or author's employer, with first publication rights granted to the journal. By virtue of their appearance in this open-access journal, articles are free to use, with proper attribution and links to the licensing in educational, commercial, and non-commercial settings.

A complete list of licensing terms and conditions for this journal is avaible for download here.

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The names and e-mail addresses provided on the journal website will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be disclosed for any other purpose or to any other party.